nurturing authentic, gifts-focused community

Start Neighboring Now!

The 8 Front Doors Challenge is a simple step-by-step guide to start neighboring immediately! Sign up now to start neighboring right where you live.

When you sign up, you’ll get a PDF with easy steps to meet the neighbors who live closest to you and suggestions for hosting a simple Get-Together with those neighbors. It’s easy, fun, and nurtures a culture of neighboring!

Our Programs

SoCe Neighborhood

Our founding neighborhood is the South Central neighborhood in Wichita, KS.

Inspiring connection and building trust. We believe that everyone has gifts, and when people use their gifts, they experience wholeness, and the community gets stronger. By living authentically, we can grow and thrive together.

Our programs teach simple, doable, and universal actions that make a lasting difference in neighborhoods.

Good Neighbor Experiment

Faith-Based Organizing for churches and individuals.

Community Animator Network

Community organizing training in Kansas and across the nation.

Events and Resources

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